Thursday, February 4, 2010

Laptop Hard Drive Adaptor Kit At Radio Shack How Do I Extract Data From A Damaged Laptop Hard Drive Into Another Computer?

How do I extract data from a damaged laptop hard drive into another computer? - laptop hard drive adaptor kit at radio shack

I try to remove laptop from my cousin. She poured the water near him, and now will not turn on. I try to have the record and hopefully save data. How do I get there? Is there a universal adapter kit that the hard drive and power connect it to another laptop via USB could?

Please help any suggestions or advise.

Thank you!


Mentat said...

There is no such thing. Best Buy carries. After determination of the platform ... PATA / SATA can from there. It is a case for portable external hard drive or a docking station .... externally. Exactly get there, it should plug into a USB port and the computer it. Pick

Burning From there, yours simply by transferring files from your hard drive, and then a CD or what you do.

stealth said...

You can try to use a paper box that u can buy at any computer store like Best Buy or Circuit City. be sure that you buy) a housing for a portable hard drive (2.5 inch box. Well, because he was not sure because of the nature of the hard disk to ensure that you acquire, is in line with your hard drive ATA-6 standard.

lkhala35 said...

there are cases on the market, you can put a disk in a USB hard drive. try

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