Saturday, January 2, 2010

Maternity Blog What Are Your Thoughts On This Article About Maternity Homes?

What are your thoughts on this article about maternity homes? - maternity blog

Personally, I thought it was great, especially the comments below ...


maybe said...

Isolate Wow, that interecepting mail that sounds limiting communication - like a prison.

angelcak... said...

I think the article is written very well and asks the question in a good light, it also raises very real concerns back to the "choice". I think these houses are large, in some respects, but many others are really bad. They all seem to work against the assumption that all young girls become pregnant on purpose, but in reality this is not the case, there are many reasons why teenagers get pregnant, when in fact they wanted to, we must determine why the accused and is not ashamed to these girls. Is it because the school does not have enough information absitinence how they protect themselves and their options as "the distribution of condoms, etc.", as the morning after pill? (Sorry, but I'm not 100% with this line of education that you probably far). When I was pregnant with my first (over the age of consent, but the mother is still "young" because I n 'were not yet 25 years old), I had the opportunity to attend a course as the young mothers who teach , practical everyday skills, addressing of up to one baby, such as budget, such as a letter CV, then what happens with your babyand what happens at work. He also helped to connect with your child that have made the most of the mothers because of pregnancy in a difficult situation, I think such a thing should apply to all mothers.

Morgaine said...


Such a thing was my biggest fear when I was pregnant at seventeen.

My parents did not (me) is Mormon, and I knew if my mother found out my plans for an abortion would lead to such a program and forced the parents or the child up for adoption.

bye bye said...

Homes should be banned. Why is a pregnant woman should be isolated? I think the person who said the brainwashing is correct. This would be the only reason to separate the parents, is to brainwash them down. How sick.

WAIGHT said...

It is a place I know. House, Covent his appeal. It is a place for children from the street, "the programs for girls who are pregnant, have. Your help. Ether that your baby can keep or give hem.

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