Tuesday, January 26, 2010

History Of Telescopes How Can Telescopes Take Pictures Of The Milky Way If We Are In The Milky Way?

How can telescopes take pictures of the milky way if we are in the milky way? - history of telescopes

I have seen many pictures but do MilkyWay like this photo?

It would be like if in a vehicle after taking a photo outside, so that the whole car is observed in the vehicle, if you can a picture of the car.

http://livefromcern.web.cern.ch/livefrom ...

for example, that the above link shows a picture of the Milky Way.


elisha08... said...

Think of it as a chain curve liquidation. When you're standing on the edge of the rope (where we are in MW) could not see the rest of the party or parties in the chain?

fdj1 said...

thats a damn good question
What confuses me, captain, because there is no way that we've sent probes beyond the Milky Way
probably a simulation on the basis of other galaxies?

T.T.K. said...

It is a lie ... the camera man on the left of the Milky Way (for a picture so real it must be hundreds of thousands of light years away). So not true ...

aladdin s said...

sounds like the only pictures we are from the Milky Way in our view, not from outside the galaxy and the real photos you see are just pictures on how they think it: or pictures from another galaxy that we believe like our Milky Way, is in fact not even know if there is a spiral, a rough estimate by looking at a few features, other is Messier.

Blank said...

This image is not the Milky Way together, only the part we see the view of the center.
We are near the outside of the Milky Way, so we can take a photo to see more.
Simulations can also, as far as all the stars in our galaxy, we can make a 3D map.

Efnissie... said...

We are on the edge, it's like a ferris wheel) (wheel and watch the rest of the structure. The picture that we do not really prove a neighbor or the like, or representing artists.

Heinz M said...

Just as you take photos of your house, anyway. ~

Keith P said...

The center of the Milky Way is obsured usually by dust, so that you can not see from Earth in visible wavelengths.

But the picture that he loved, from COBE / dribs was taken in the infrared - and dust is more transparency in the infrared than in visible light. Who takes the dust and we can see the beautiful image of the central bulge of the Milky Way in all its glory.

SS said...

Well, we can not use images from our own galaxy. The images we see are actually taken. They are created by our vision of the shape of our galaxy. We know too much about our galaxy, including the location of most of the stars with this knowledge you can get rid of an approximate shape of the Milky Way.

the only way for final pictures of our galaxy to be done in a different galaxy. For example, you can see the sky from the Andromeda galaxy, the Milky Way, then we could, the exact shape, etc., see

BlackIce Mikel said...

because they come from a satellite photograph

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