Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Pictures Of A Tanning Room What Color Would Go Best With A Black And Goldish Tan Living Room?

What color would go best with a black and goldish tan living room? - pictures of a tanning room

Kiving I want to paint my room and I thought, a glowing, red as a gentle and have red accents, like pillows, etc.

The beds and pillows are black and black when Goldish.
The lights are black with gold in them.

PS Sorry I couldnt get a picture, but I can not copy and paste here.


Fate543 said...

Here a design is the virtual space: Select the room you go to design: Hall, dining room, bedroom, kitchen, etc! then decorate. Change wall colors, carpets, roof paints, wallpaper, furniture, etc etc etc! It gives you a good idea of what kind of style you like and dislike!
http://www.findanyfloor.com/VirtualRoomD ...
Hope this helps! There is also a designer of this website, an ad for Shaw: "You have a virtual room designer one, where you can upload your digital photos and create their own practice room, before buying, for free, of course! It's amazing!:)

Christin... said...

I like your idea about the color red. Put a little shiny gold accents that probably looks good.

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